Fast track to Scotland
How might Scotland benefit from being included in the UK’s High Speed Rail 2 project?

Bringing hydrogen to UK rail
We speak to the University of Birmingham’s Dr Stuart Hillmansen about the challenges involved with bringing hydrogen-powered trains to the rail network

Retrofitting for the future
We find out from UK-based Porterbrook and Eminox why retrofitting locomotives could be the key to achieving green targets in the short term

China’s New Silk Road
After China-Europe freight train services experienced a peak in demand at the height of Covid-19, we explore the history and future of the New Silk Road

Po-TEN-T-ial to fail?
We map out rail projects promoted under the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) policy and ask how they have coped after recent construction delays

A station to welcome the world
Scheduled to open in time for the 2024 Olympics in Paris, France, we take a closer look at the city’s Saint-Denis Pleyel station

Legionella: curbing the spread
Investigating strategies to prevent the spread of Legionella bacteria on rail systems with testing and inspection organisation SOCOTEC

Q&A: cybersecurity on metro networks
We speak to Cylus CEO and co-founder Amir Levintal about how improved connectivity on metro lines could create new cyber threats