Welcome to the latest issue of Future Rail

The climate breakdown means that we face an increasingly uncertain environment. In our cover story, we explore some of the different solutions being implemented to safeguard railways against the growing threat of wildfires.

To reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transport, one of the most important behavioural changes we all need to make is to make a great modal shift from aviation to the rails. In this issue, we look at how the subsidisation of low-cost airlines is hampering this shift, as well as learning about the new EU legislation that will attempt to facilitate it.

Elsewhere, we ponder the lack of driverless trains in London, find out about the new technologies keeping leaves off the lines, and profile the ten largest light rail networks in the world.

For all this and the latest rail industry news, comment, and analysis from GlobalData, read on. You can also follow us @FutureRail_Mag

Peter Nilson, editor

Go to article: Home | Fighting firesGo to article: Editor's letterGo to article: ContentsGo to article: SatekGo to article: BriefingGo to article: News in NumbersGo to article: Latest NewsGo to article: Latest DealsGo to article: Project UpdatesGo to article: Trends & InsightGo to article: U-LiftGo to article: In DepthGo to article: Resilient rail: safeguarding for wildfires in a changing climateGo to article: How low-cost airline subsidies are hampering the great modal shiftGo to article: Why don’t we have driverless trains on the Tube yet?Go to article: The great modal shift: can a new EU law move people from planes to trains?Go to article: The 10 largest tram networks in the worldGo to article: A clean sweep: how PlasmaTrack is removing leaves from the lineGo to article: Why the London Underground should switch to LED lightingGo to article: How to secure complex rail networks from digital threatsGo to article: ListingsGo to article: Excellence AwardsGo to article: Buyer's GuidesGo to article: Next issue